get ready fanime cuz here i come

With noooo cosplays.....fanime is two days away and not one single one of my cosplays are done! NOT! ONE! im freakin im getting lots of help but its just unexpected iv been working on this stuff sence forever and NOTHING IS DONE....guess i should have worked harder...dont get me wrong it will get done.i just dont know how yet.i need a fairy godmother.....that would work as long as she didnt only give me till 12 thats NOTHING at a con LOL anywho just tellen ya whats up thanks everyone who has and is helping me! T_T... I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!

Random Announcement!

I have decided that along with Queen Elfaria, Chidori, and vaporeon, i will also be taking fubuki to fanime after my mage and my friend sheiky said they would cosplay from the same game with me....though it might be more work then its worth i love my fubuki cosplay so im ignoring that little voice in my head screaming at me to stop with the insanity....i quit like insanity i think....if i didnt, why would i continue to do this to myself? anywho! i have a question for anyone who reads this....if its not a secret ;) and your going....who will you be taking to fanime? hope to here back from someone! XP

PROGRESS PICS! (fanime 2010)

so i finally got my progress pics up! i Hope you like them! (one is side ways :( ) anywho forgive me if i have put one of these up before XD. if i have then ...oh well XDDDD

this is Queen Elfaria stuffs (i have more progress and the dress has been hemmed and i have made the slits up the sides of the legs now (kinda older pic) I bought a potion bottle for a prop XD and i have started to style the might look fail to you but its the best we could do :( i had super awesome help (sorry about my wanna be akuma pic editing i kinda had fun with the stars lol)..... i also have covered most of my cardboard wings in air dry clay (aka model magic) and i painted one of them black. i hope to finish those soon its very time consuming.

this is vaporeon stuffs (not too accuate but it'll do for now) i wanna redo the head band one day i just dont have time :(

and these are the beginings of my chidori anklets :) you like (this pic is upside down 0_0 yeah)