cosplay shopping! (^_^)

I had lots of fun yesterday! I went cosplay shopping with my friends Keika and Ne-Chan! I now have all my fabric for Fubuki, oh and I also have most of the other stuff in his outfit. I just don't have his shoes or his giant beads.Wait I also don't have the white contacts but......that's a maybe thing! :) I mean, I really want to have them It's just everywhere i look online there like hey here's the exact contacts you need. Then I'm like sweet! but then i look and it's like $1,000,000,000,000 plus sucks! Keika found a store that sells cheaper ones that don't kill you but she doesn't know what kind of contacts they really have besides natural looking stuff. She cant go check cuz there store is REALLY far away. I'm praying they will have white! lol anywho.... After shopping I went to Keika's and we worked on cosplay for a bit! that was fun! we mostly focused on my Chidori anklets (I don't really know if I've told you guys about that cosplay) but yeah.....AND DEN! lol after that I went home to see my sis and then to Sheik-Chan's to talk about cosplay, make rice, and make a video! We both returned to my house to look at more cosplay stuffs and make chocolate pie.........YAY PIE!......Oh and I went to see New moon on Friday and it was freakin hilarious! I was (for once) the obnoxious person in the theater everyone hates. Yeah it was seriously that bad....that's my opinions I always laugh at cheesey stuff. Well that's about it besides that I am seriously excited for AOD! OH YEAH! me and Sheik-Chan found out that Sac anime 2010 is the 9th of January and I think we might go one day just for fun! But we would just chill in the halls, but still!!! That would rock!


So I went shopping on black friday....but I went later so it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. I wanted to get some fabric for my cosplays but half way there I had realized that I had forgotten my referance pics....grrrrrrr yeah, but I did get some gift for friends and family! I believe that i'm going shopping again tomarrow with my friends just for cosplay. Ahhh its nice to do a little cosplay shopping. It cheers me right up! At the end of this month I think i'm going cosplay shopping for my shigure stuffs with Sheik-Chan! yay! Not only that but I just found out that Fanime Starts the same day as my gradnight :( ....No gradnight for Kay-Chan lol I think I would have more fun at Fanime. NO I know I would have more fun XD so yeah that was today....oh and I think i'm gonna style my Chidori wig a bit more this weekend! woohoo! Well thats it! Bye bye peoples!
I know I just posted something like two seconds ago but I was so happy! I just got my room for AOD and its gonna be an awesome place for photo shoots, I can tell ya that. Especially sense were cosplaying fruits basket, this might be confusing to most people ...well I guess you'll understand when you see the pictures. Just thought I'd throw a short lil post about my happiness in here! XD

AOD 2nd cosplay!

Okay peoples, I was at my friend Sheik-Chan's party last night and of course Keika, Ne-chan, and I got distracted with cosplay and before we new it everyone else was gone and we are all just sitting there still discusing cosplay. haha anywho, during that discussion they explained a misunderstanding and that's how I figured out my second cosplay for AOD! After Shigure of course, I will be cosplaying Fubuki from disgaea 2! I'm going to get white contacts and everything! I'm so excited! I cant wait to get started on these cosplays! I will do my best! Here is fubuki in all his awesomeness XD

first blog!

This is my first blog....if the title didn't tip you off ...XD well, I'd just like to talk about cosplay sense that is what I will obviously be focusing on, because....that is my life. My closest cosplay event is AOD in San Fransisco! I hope I can see a few of you there XD! I am cosplaying as shigure from Fruits Basket! My friend is cosplaying as Ayame with me! I cant wait! I ordered my wig for this cosplay yesterday! The hotel where the con is being held is really nice! To be honest its awesome on every level! OH, and the con is on my birthday, its going to be my best birthday party ever...XD....
Well, I think that's enough for now! see ya! :P