Here at school, random blog :)

Okay so as you could see by the title I'm at school.....I was sitting here obviously not working on much and I started thinking about my cosplays that I have planed for the future and realized that when you compare it to how many cons we go to a year....(not including small events like ani-jam stuffs)we usually go to one big con a year so that's like 3 or four days??....I have my cosplays planed for like 3 years! I mean they aren't FOR SURE!! But I will eventually do all these and yeah. I wish I could go to more cons so I could have places to wear them. I need to get a good job I suppose, because cosplay is forever so I need to plan ahead XD. I really want to do more cosplays! I only have a few planned but with no place to wear them .....why spend the money ...I suppose I could have photo shoots.....idk I guess its just a problem every cosplayer has....MONEY!!!!!!! well I guess in the end I'm glad just to have fun with my friends and do what I love :)