Here at school, random blog :)

Okay so as you could see by the title I'm at school.....I was sitting here obviously not working on much and I started thinking about my cosplays that I have planed for the future and realized that when you compare it to how many cons we go to a year....(not including small events like ani-jam stuffs)we usually go to one big con a year so that's like 3 or four days??....I have my cosplays planed for like 3 years! I mean they aren't FOR SURE!! But I will eventually do all these and yeah. I wish I could go to more cons so I could have places to wear them. I need to get a good job I suppose, because cosplay is forever so I need to plan ahead XD. I really want to do more cosplays! I only have a few planned but with no place to wear them .....why spend the money ...I suppose I could have photo shoots.....idk I guess its just a problem every cosplayer has....MONEY!!!!!!! well I guess in the end I'm glad just to have fun with my friends and do what I love :)


Okay so on Saturday I went cosplay shopping for my fabric(fanime). I got all the fabric for one of my coslpays and I also got a (VERY EXPENSIVE) undergarment that I needed. I know I could have found a cheaper one, but its not like im only using it for one cosplay and then thronging it away!.............I felt very uncomfortable in that be honest I feel uncomfortable in any underwear store so I was like.......terrified in that place (Victoria secret btw) anywho......we also went to lows and Red Robbins (YUMMMMM). after that we went back to Keika's and chilled there for a while. it was FUN! we talked about or skit and many other things. I had to go home though, so we got on MSN and talked for a while. that was even more fun! at the moment we are talking about trying to get more people (mainly guys) to do a group cosplay with us so we will have like ALL OF THE CHARACTERS! a few are quit girly but you know. We have 9 people in our group and EVERYONE is doing a cosplay from this particular video game so its gonna be epic! we dont NEED more people.....but we WANT them lol! I also hope the Robbie ends up cosplaying with us as well. She would make a hardcore Alice and I hope she really thinks about it. I also hope we weren't pressuring her to much.....oh well anywho you people most likely have no idea what im talking about but yeah I'll post progress ASAP!!!! bye bye peoples!

what really happened last weekend

As you know i put up a blog about what i was PLANING on doing this last weekend. But,of course, NOTHING we planed ended up happening. the only thing we planned to NOT do (work on fanime cosplays) did though.........cuz thats how we are i suppose. we got so much done it was CRAZY! we should say were not going to work on cosplay more often, then we might actually get crap done! lol XD anywho here are some fanime 2010 progress pics.

I look ruff in this pic sorry bout that lol

Long weekend (hope of progress)

So I have a four day Weekend this week, i had originally decided to take a break from cosplay to focus on my school work and driving tests (no I cant drive yet,because I'm lazy and terrified of driving with other cars).anywho As you all know (cuz i told ya lol) me and my friend Ne-Chan won a masquerade at AOD and won alot of prises, we kept some but we decided to sell the rest for cosplay moneys! so this weekend we are having a "put everything on eBay" party. We are also going to go through the difficult task of making my Fubuki cosplay easier to put on by making a note of where everything goes. (that might know.....FOREVER!)not only that but were gonna look up YouTube vids of our fav cosplayers.....after that were gonna brain storm about my epic queen Elfaria wings for Fanime. We decided that it is not as far away as we want to believe it is and think that we need to get started on them asap! but i cant forget that i have to finish my TAPS binder and such to graduate.(TAPS is something that only my DUMB school does, well that i know of). I miss my friends so I'm glad that i get to see Ne-Chan. and sheik-Chan needs to come home! but I'm glad she's having fun in Texas. so yeah I have been putting my vids up on YouTube and (four years later!) i have decided that i will most likely put my AOD vids up this weekend :) i think they'll be boring though. i was to busy having fun to make alot of vids :( oh well. so I'm gonna stop talking now haha bye bye peoples!